- Freedom of Religion
- Equality of Religion
- Freedom from Torture
- Freedom of Speech
- Independence of the Legal System
- Right to Vote Freely
- Homosexual Rights
- Freedom from Discrimination
The government in Malaysia wants to be a fully developed country by 2020. This is outlined in the Wawasan 2020. It does not discuss the issues of a multi-party democracy, an indepentent judiciary, or a free press. These are three things that need to be established before they can reach their new economic maturity. The people of Malaysia have tried to rally multiple times with crowds of 10,000-50,000 people. Two of the largest political rallies in the past ten years include the Berish rally and the HINDRAF rally. HINDRAF stands for Hindu Rights Action Front.I think most people in Malaysia want to change from the federal constitutional elective monarchy. Basically, there is a king of Malaysia that is elected for a five year term. At the age of 12 you have to get a biometric smart chip identity card called MyKad that you must carry at all times. By having this card someone knows where you are at anytime of the day. Talk about not having any human rights.
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